Quick reference
This is a quick reference of the wiki syntax you can use in pages. Click on any item to see a more detailed explanation.
+ Level 1 Heading
++ Level 2 Heading
* Bullet items
# Numbered items
> Blockquoted text
//italic text//
**bold text**
=Line is centered
[[<]] Lines are aligned left [[/<]]
[[>]] Lines are aligned right [[/>]]
[[=]] Lines are centered [[/=]]
[[==]] Lines are right-justified [[/==]]
[[size smaller]]smaller text[[/size]]
[[size larger]]larger text[[/size]]
[[code]] lines of source code [[/code]]
[http://www.wikidot.com Text link]
[/category:page Link to page]
[[name-of-page | Link to page]]
---- Horizontal line
[[image :first | attachment | uri ]]
[[image size="medium | small | thumbnail" ]]
[[image link="name-of-page OR url" ]]
[[f<image alt="Float left" ]]
|| Simple table || ~heading || cell ||
[[file attachment | link text]]
Bibliography Syntax Example
The first pulsar was observed by J. Bell and A. Hewish [((bibcite bell))]. Another reference [see ((bibcite guy))].
: bell : Bell, J.; Hewish, A.; Pilkington, J. D. H.; Scott, P. F.; and Collins, R. A. //Observation of a Rapidly Pulsating Radio Source.// Nature 217, 709, 1968.
: guy : Guy, R. K. //Modular Difference Sets and Error Correcting Codes.// §C10 in Unsolved Problems in Number Theory, 2nd ed. New York: Springer-Verlag, pp. 118-121, 1994. [[/bibliography]]
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Notes on how this site is set up:
Each topic is grouped in categories.
In order to set up a new category, some work needs to be done behind the scenes.
Categories are
- Herbs
- herb= Single herbs
- formula= Herbal Formula
- patent= Patent herbal formulas
- Acupuncture
- acupuncture-Point= Single point
- point-prescription= A set of points for a specific condition or result
- acupuncture-technique= Needling techniques
- Tuina= Tuina
- Moxibustion= moxibustion
- Cupping=cupping
- Guasha= guasha
- Acupuncture Forum
- Diagnosis
- signs-and-symptoms= Individual Signs and Symptoms and their associated patterns
- TCM Patterns
- Diagnosis and Patterns Forum
- Qigong
- Qigong Forms
- Qigong Therapy
- Qigong Forum
Create category and default content
Herbs:_template, Herbs:main
acupuncture:_template, acupuncture:main
Daignosis:_template, Daignosis:main
qigong:_template, qigong:main
Note: use the template for herb:_template
Create Live template (content that can not be edited and will be in every page in that category)
Each subcategory Copy and past the content from another category:_template (herb:_template) and change all the fields appropriately for the new form. BE VERY CAREFUL TO KEEP THE STRUCTURE. If it breaks the form, cut and pate and start over.